Born on November 1, 1961 in Ordzhonikidze.
In 1984, graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University with a major in Mechanical Engineering.
In 1988, graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics School,with a major in Mathematics.
Worked as a researcher at Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering, then headed a laboratory at the Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, where he developed computer-aided design systems and was engaged in mathematical modeling.
Since 1992—Head of Representative Office of Borlas Sales Corp. in the CIS.
In 1996, founded Borlas IBC
1996 to 2007—CEO
2001 to 2007—President at Borlas Consulting Group
2008 to 2011—President at IBS
Since 2012—President at Borlas Group
Candidate of Engineering Sciences.
Married, two children.