Calculation of the cost of production and valuation of work in progress

To automate the calculation of the cost of production and the evaluation of work in progress, it is proposed to use 1C: ERP functions. The solution makes it possible to reflect material, labor and financial costs, consider and analyze the factors affecting the profitability of production, consolidate up-to-date information on the production cost for effective planning of the enterprise, shaping product range and pricing policies.

Key features:

  • Accounting for the actual costs of the enterprise by type of activity in terms of natural and cost parameters;
  • Operational quantitative accounting of resources in work in progress with detailing up to the release batch (route sheet);
  • Accounting for actual balances of work in progress at the end of the reporting period;
  • Various ways of allocating costs when estimating the cost of products and work performed, including:
    • Production costs;
    • Lines of activity;
    • Deferred expenses.
  • Calculation of the actual cost of production for the reporting period. Correct mathematical and methodical calculation of the cost of counter release;
  • Providing data on the structure of the cost of manufactured goods, semi-finished products;
  • Preliminary sum estimate of the production cost during the reporting period;
  • Separate cost accounting for orders;
  • Formation of the target prime cost of finished products;
  • Implementation of the plan—factual analysis of the release cost;
  • Providing data on the release cost.

Key benefits:

  • Determining the profitability of production and individual types of products due to operational information on the cost of goods produced;
  • Identification of reserves to reduce production costs;
  • Calculation of economic efficiency from the implementation of new technologies;
  • Formation of the pricing policy of the enterprise, planning of production;
  • Making informed decisions about product range adjustments.

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