Planning and managing purchases, sales

For planning and managing purchases and sales, it is proposed to use a group of subsystems, Planning and Budgeting, in 1C: ERP configuration. Planning subsystem tools help to predict the volume of sales, purchases, production and assembly / disassembly of goods. Budgeting subsystem defines planning targets and provides for control of product planning (product range, characteristics and quantity of goods).

Key features:

  • The possibility to plan according to different schemes: both top-down and bottom-up;
  • Creation of operation plans (orders) based on core plans;
  • Automatic completion of plans by formulas and sources (system data) or by loading from spreadsheet files;
  • Formation of budget turnover;
  • Perform planning for:
    • Sales;
    • Production;
    • Purchases;
    • Assembly and disassembly of goods;
    • Residual diagnostics.
  • Automated provision of resource requirements for the production plan:
    • Simplified scheme—ordering goods from a supplier;
    • Extended scheme—ordering goods from a supplier / transferring goods from another warehouse or assembling goods.
  • Monitoring the execution of plans.

Key benefits:

  • Flexible system for generating both enlarged and detailed plans;
  • Effective analysis of the execution of plans by various analytics (for example, the execution of a procurement plan by suppliers, warehouses, payments and shipments);
  • Formation of a plan both for the entire enterprise as a whole and for individual departments;
  • Operational control of the plan formation.

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