
The Borlas Group Technical Support Center (TSC Borlas) provides a wide range of services for the maintenance and development of Oracle Corporation products and developments based on Oracle software.

The work is carried out by specialists with the necessary set of competencies and vendor certificates. The team of experts at TSC Borlas has considerable experience working together with hundreds of companies and organizations from various industries.

Our expertise allows us to quickly identify and eliminate problems that arise during the operation of IT systems and maintain the required level of performance and availability of the Customer's business applications.

The TSC of the Borlas Group is

  • Oracle software support experience since 1998;
  • Highest partnership status since 2008;
  • 30 Oracle product and industrial specializations;
  • A team of certified specialists (Oracle Certified Master, Oracle Certified Expert, Oracle Certified Professional) with many years of experience in Oracle software technical support

Technical support

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