Production planning and operational accounting

Production subsystem in the 1C: ERP configuration is used for planning and operational accounting of production. The solution makes it possible to implement operational accounting and three levels of planning: long-term (volume-calendar), intershop (generating production schedule) and operational. Operational accounting is implemented at the intershop and intrashop levels.

Key features:

  • Maintenance and management of master data production (resource specifications, route maps);
  • Development of production and procurement plans;
  • Management of the movement of material flows in production;
  • Formation of a production schedule, given restrictions on material resources;
  • Operational production planning;
  • Management of order fulfillment priorities;
  • Operational information on the due availability of production equipment;
  • Monitoring the progress of production processes;
  • Notification of critical deviations from the production schedule;
  • Using the 1C: ERP mobile client.

Key benefits:

  • Flexible operational management system:
    • Managing order execution priority;
    • Developing production schedule consistent with available capacities and resources;
    • Prompt response to schedule deviations and order changes, including rescheduling.
  • Efficient use of production resources and cost reduction;
  • Improving the quality of customer service:
    • Prompt determination of the possible production time for products at the request of the client;
    • Executing orders strictly in time and in accordance with the product range;
    • Monitoring the progress of orders.

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